Source code for datamodules.RGB.utils.functional

from typing import List

import torch
from torch.nn.functional import one_hot

[docs]def gt_to_int_encoding(matrix: torch.Tensor, class_encodings: torch.Tensor): """ Convert ground truth tensor or numpy matrix to one-hot encoded matrix :param matrix: Image as a tensor of size [C x H x W] (BGR) :type matrix: torch.Tensor :param class_encodings: class encoding so which class (index) has what value (element) :type class_encodings: List[int] :return: integer encoded matrix of size [#C x H x W] :rtype: torch.Tensor """ integer_encoded = torch.full(size=matrix[0].shape, fill_value=-1, dtype=torch.long) for index, encoding in enumerate(class_encodings): mask = torch.logical_and(torch.logical_and( torch.where(matrix[0] == encoding[0], True, False), torch.where(matrix[1] == encoding[1], True, False)), torch.where(matrix[2] == encoding[2], True, False)) integer_encoded[mask] = index return integer_encoded
[docs]def gt_to_one_hot(matrix: torch.Tensor, class_encodings: torch.Tensor): """ Convert ground truth tensor or numpy matrix to one-hot encoded matrix :param matrix: float tensor from to_tensor() or numpy array shape (C x H x W) in the range [0.0, 1.0] or shape (H x W x C) BGR :type matrix: torch.Tensor or np.ndarray :param class_encodings: List of int Blue channel values that encode the different classes :type class_encodings: List[int] :return: Tensor of size [#C x H x W] sparse one-hot encoded multi-class matrix, where #C is the number of classes :rtype: torch.LongTensor """ integer_encoded = gt_to_int_encoding(matrix=matrix, class_encodings=class_encodings) num_classes = class_encodings.shape[0] onehot_encoded = one_hot(input=integer_encoded, num_classes=num_classes) onehot_encoded = onehot_encoded.swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) # changes axis from (0, 1, 2) to (2, 0, 1) return onehot_encoded