Source code for datamodules.RGB.utils.output_tools

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, List

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

[docs]def save_output_page_image(image_name: str, output_image: np.ndarray, output_folder: Path, class_encoding: List[Tuple[int]]) -> None: """ Helper function to save the output during testing in the DIVAHisDB format :param image_name: name of the image that is saved :type image_name: str :param output_image: output image at full size [#C x H x W] :type output_image: np.ndarray :param output_folder: path to the output folder for the test data :type output_folder: Path :param class_encoding: list with the class encodings :type class_encoding: List[Tuple[int]] """ output_encoded = output_to_class_encodings(output_image, class_encoding) dest_folder = output_folder dest_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_filename = dest_folder / image_name # Save the output Image.fromarray(output_encoded.astype(np.uint8)).save(str(dest_filename))
[docs]def output_to_class_encodings(output: np.ndarray, class_encodings: List[Tuple[int]]) -> np.ndarray: """ This function converts the output prediction matrix to an image like it was provided in the ground truth :param output: output prediction of the network for a full-size image, where #C is the number of classes :type output: np.ndarray :param class_encodings: Contains the range of encoded classes :type class_encodings: List[Tuple[int]] :return: numpy array of size [C x H x W] (BGR) with the classes encoded as in the ground truth :rtype: np.ndarray """ integer_encoded = np.argmax(output, axis=0) num_classes = len(class_encodings) masks = [integer_encoded == class_index for class_index in range(num_classes)] rgb = np.full((*integer_encoded.shape, 3), -1) for mask, color in zip(masks, class_encodings): rgb[:, :, 0] = np.where(mask, color[0], rgb[:, :, 0]) rgb[:, :, 1] = np.where(mask, color[1], rgb[:, :, 1]) rgb[:, :, 2] = np.where(mask, color[2], rgb[:, :, 2]) return rgb