Source code for datamodules.RolfFormat.datamodule

from typing import Union, List, Optional, Dict

import torch
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms

from src.datamodules.RGB.utils.single_transform import IntegerEncoding
from src.datamodules.RolfFormat.datasets.dataset import DatasetRolfFormat, DatasetSpecs
from src.datamodules.RolfFormat.utils.image_analytics import get_analytics_data, get_analytics_gt
from src.datamodules.base_datamodule import AbstractDatamodule
from src.datamodules.utils.dataset_predict import DatasetPredict
from src.datamodules.utils.misc import ImageDimensions, get_image_dims
from src.datamodules.utils.wrapper_transforms import OnlyImage, OnlyTarget
from src.utils import utils

log = utils.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DataModuleRolfFormat(AbstractDatamodule): """ DataModule for the RolfFormat dataset. What makes this dataset special is that all the files are within one folder. Each file name has a fixed structure of `name_{file_number}.jpg`. The file number is a number between 0 and 9999. The different splits are defined by giving a range and a root folder for each split. :param data_root: Root folder of the dataset. :type data_root: str :param train_specs: Dictionary with the specs for the train split. :type train_specs: dict :param val_specs: Dictionary with the specs for the validation split. :param test_specs: Dictionary with the specs for the test split. :type val_specs: dict :param pred_file_path_list: List of file paths to predict. :type pred_file_path_list: List[str] :param image_analytics: A dictionary with the mean and std of the images. :type image_analytics: dict :param classes: A dictionary with the class encodings and weights. :type classes: dict :param image_dims: The dimensions of the images. :type image_dims: ImageDimensions :param num_workers: Number of workers for the dataloader. :type num_workers: int :param batch_size: Batch size for the dataloader. :type batch_size: int :param shuffle: Whether to shuffle the dataset. :type shuffle: bool :param drop_last: Whether to drop the last batch if it is smaller than the batch size. :type drop_last: bool """ def __init__(self, data_root: str, train_specs: Dict = None, val_specs: Dict = None, test_specs: Dict = None, pred_file_path_list: List[str] = None, image_analytics: Dict = None, classes: Dict = None, image_dims: ImageDimensions = None, num_workers: int = 4, batch_size: int = 8, shuffle: bool = True, drop_last: bool = True): """ Constructor method for the `DataModuleRolfFormat` class. """ super().__init__() if train_specs is not None: self.train_dataset_specs = [DatasetSpecs(data_root=data_root, **v) for k, v in train_specs.items()] if val_specs is not None: self.val_dataset_specs = [DatasetSpecs(data_root=data_root, **v) for k, v in val_specs.items()] if test_specs is not None: self.test_dataset_specs = [DatasetSpecs(data_root=data_root, **v) for k, v in test_specs.items()] if pred_file_path_list is not None: self.pred_file_path_list = pred_file_path_list if image_analytics is None or classes is None or image_dims is None: train_paths_data_gt = DatasetRolfFormat.get_img_gt_path_list(list_specs=self.train_dataset_specs) if image_dims is None: image_dims = get_image_dims(data_gt_path_list=train_paths_data_gt) self._print_image_dims(image_dims=image_dims) if image_analytics is None: analytics_data = get_analytics_data(img_gt_path_list=train_paths_data_gt) self._print_analytics_data(analytics_data=analytics_data) else: analytics_data = {'mean': [image_analytics['mean']['R'], image_analytics['mean']['G'], image_analytics['mean']['B']], 'std': [image_analytics['std']['R'], image_analytics['std']['G'], image_analytics['std']['B']]} if classes is None: analytics_gt = get_analytics_gt(img_gt_path_list=train_paths_data_gt) self._print_analytics_gt(analytics_gt=analytics_gt) else: analytics_gt = {'class_encodings': [], 'class_weights': []} for _, class_specs in classes.items(): analytics_gt['class_encodings'].append([class_specs['color']['R'], class_specs['color']['G'], class_specs['color']['B']]) if 'weight' in class_specs: analytics_gt['class_weights'].append(class_specs['weight']) else: analytics_gt['class_weights'].append(None) if all(x is None for x in analytics_gt['class_weights']): analytics_gt['class_weights'] = None elif any(x is None for x in analytics_gt['class_weights']): log.error('Some classes have a class weight and others do not. ' 'If you set class weights, you have to do this for all classes.') raise ValueError self.image_dims = image_dims self.dims = (3, self.image_dims.width, self.image_dims.height) self.mean = analytics_data['mean'] self.std = analytics_data['std'] self.class_encodings = analytics_gt['class_encodings'] self.class_encodings_tensor = torch.tensor(self.class_encodings) / 255 self.num_classes = len(self.class_encodings) self.class_weights = torch.as_tensor(analytics_gt['class_weights']) self.twin_transform = None self.image_transform = OnlyImage(transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=self.mean, std=self.std)])) self.target_transform = OnlyTarget(IntegerEncoding(class_encodings=self.class_encodings_tensor)) self.num_workers = num_workers self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.drop_last = drop_last def _print_analytics_data(self, analytics_data): indent = 4 * ' ' lines = [''] lines.append('image_analytics:') lines.append(f'{indent}mean:') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}R: {analytics_data["mean"][0]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}G: {analytics_data["mean"][1]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}B: {analytics_data["mean"][2]}') lines.append(f'{indent}std:') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}R: {analytics_data["std"][0]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}G: {analytics_data["std"][1]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}B: {analytics_data["std"][2]}') print_string = '\n'.join(lines) def _print_analytics_gt(self, analytics_gt): indent = 4 * ' ' lines = [''] lines.append('classes:') for i, class_specs in enumerate(zip(analytics_gt['class_encodings'], analytics_gt['class_weights'])): lines.append(f'{indent}class{i}:') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}color:') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}{indent}R: {class_specs[0][0]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}{indent}G: {class_specs[0][1]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}{indent}B: {class_specs[0][2]}') lines.append(f'{indent}{indent}weight: {class_specs[1]}') print_string = '\n'.join(lines) def _print_image_dims(self, image_dims: ImageDimensions): indent = 4 * ' ' lines = [''] lines.append('image_dims:') lines.append(f'{indent}width: {image_dims.width}') lines.append(f'{indent}height: {image_dims.height}') print_string = '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def setup(self, stage: Optional[str] = None): super().setup() common_kwargs = {'image_dims': self.image_dims, 'image_transform': self.image_transform, 'target_transform': self.target_transform, 'twin_transform': self.twin_transform} if stage == 'fit' or stage is None: self.train = DatasetRolfFormat(dataset_specs=self.train_dataset_specs, is_test=False, **common_kwargs)'Initialized train dataset with {len(self.train)} samples.') self.check_min_num_samples(self.trainer.num_devices, self.batch_size, num_samples=len(self.train), data_split='train', drop_last=self.drop_last) self.val = DatasetRolfFormat(dataset_specs=self.val_dataset_specs, is_test=False, **common_kwargs)'Initialized val dataset with {len(self.val)} samples.') self.check_min_num_samples(self.trainer.num_devices, self.batch_size, num_samples=len(self.val), data_split='val', drop_last=self.drop_last) if stage == 'test': self.test = DatasetRolfFormat(dataset_specs=self.test_dataset_specs, is_test=True, **common_kwargs)'Initialized test dataset with {len(self.test)} samples.') # self._check_min_num_samples(num_samples=len(self.test), data_split='test', drop_last=False) if stage == 'predict': self.predict = DatasetPredict(image_path_list=self.pred_file_path_list, **common_kwargs)'Initialized predict dataset with {len(self.predict)} samples.')
# self._check_min_num_samples(num_samples=len(self.test), data_split='test', drop_last=False)
[docs] def train_dataloader(self, *args, **kwargs) -> DataLoader: return DataLoader(self.train, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, shuffle=self.shuffle, drop_last=self.drop_last, pin_memory=True)
[docs] def val_dataloader(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader]]: return DataLoader(self.val, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, shuffle=self.shuffle, drop_last=self.drop_last, pin_memory=True)
[docs] def test_dataloader(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader]]: return DataLoader(self.test, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, pin_memory=True)
[docs] def predict_dataloader(self) -> Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader]]: return DataLoader(self.predict, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, pin_memory=True)
[docs] def get_output_filename_test(self, index: int) -> str: """ Returns the original filename of the doc image. You can just use this during testing! :param index: Index of the sample we want the filename of. :type index: int :raises Exception: This method can just be called during testing :return: Filename of the doc image. :rtype: str """ if not hasattr(self, 'test'): raise ValueError('This method can just be called during testing') return self.test.output_file_list[index]
[docs] def get_output_filename_predict(self, index: int) -> str: """ Returns the original filename of the doc image. You can just use this during testing! :param index: Index of the sample we want the filename of. :type index: int :raises Exception: This method can just be called during prediction :return: Filename of the doc image. :rtype: str """ if not hasattr(self, 'predict'): raise ValueError('This method can just be called during prediction') return self.predict.output_file_list[index]