Source code for datamodules.RolfFormat.utils.image_analytics

# Utils
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
# Torch related stuff

from src.datamodules.RGB.utils.image_analytics import _get_class_frequencies_weights_segmentation
from src.datamodules.utils.image_analytics import compute_mean_std

[docs]def get_analytics_data(img_gt_path_list: List[Tuple[Path, Path]], inmem: bool = False, workers: int = 8)\ -> Dict[str, List]: """ Computes mean and std of the dataset :param img_gt_path_list: Images and their corresponding ground truth paths to be used for computing mean and std :type img_gt_path_list: List[Tuple[Path, Path]] :param inmem: Whether to load the images in memory or not :type inmem: bool :param workers: Number of workers to use for loading and calculating mean and std :type workers: int :return: Dictionary containing mean and std :rtype: dict """ file_names_data = np.asarray([str(item[0]) for item in img_gt_path_list]) mean, std = compute_mean_std(file_names=file_names_data, inmem=inmem, workers=workers) analytics_data = {'mean': mean.tolist(), 'std': std.tolist()} return analytics_data
[docs]def get_analytics_gt(img_gt_path_list: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Computes class weights and encodings of the dataset based on the ground truth :param img_gt_path_list: Images and their corresponding ground truth paths to be used for computing class weights :type img_gt_path_list: List[Tuple[Path, Path]] :return: Dictionary containing class weights and encodings :rtype: Dict[str, float] """ file_names_gt = np.asarray([str(item[1]) for item in img_gt_path_list]) # Measure weights for class balancing'Measuring class weights') # create a list with all gt file paths class_weights, class_encodings = _get_class_frequencies_weights_segmentation(gt_images=file_names_gt) analytics_gt = {'class_weights': class_weights, 'class_encodings': class_encodings} return analytics_gt