Source code for datamodules.utils.dataset_predict

from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple

import as data
from torch import is_tensor, Tensor
from torchvision.datasets.folder import pil_loader
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from PIL import Image

from src.datamodules.utils.misc import ImageDimensions, get_output_file_list
from src.utils import utils

log = utils.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DatasetPredict(data.Dataset): """ Dataset class for the prediction of the test set. It takes a folder of images and creates the prediction of these images. :param image_path_list: list of image paths :type image_path_list: List[str] :param image_dims: image dimensions :type image_dims: ImageDimensions :param image_transform: image transformation :type image_transform: Callable :param target_transform: target transformation :type target_transform: Callable :param twin_transform: twin transformation :type twin_transform: Callable """ def __init__(self, image_path_list: List[str], image_dims: ImageDimensions, image_transform=None, target_transform=None, twin_transform=None): """ Constructor method for the DatasetPredict class. """ self._raw_image_path_list = list(image_path_list) self.image_path_list = self.expend_glob_path_list(glob_path_list=self._raw_image_path_list) self.output_file_list = get_output_file_list(image_path_list=self.image_path_list) self.image_dims = image_dims # transformations self.image_transform = image_transform self.target_transform = target_transform self.twin_transform = twin_transform self.num_samples = len(self.image_path_list) if self.num_samples == 0: raise RuntimeError('List of image paths is empty!') def __len__(self) -> int: """ This function returns the length of an epoch so the data loader knows when to stop. The length is different during train/val and test, because we process the whole image during testing, and only sample from the images during train/val. :returns: number of samples :rtype: int """ return self.num_samples def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[Tensor, int]: """ This function returns the data and the gt for a given index. :param index: index of the sample :type index: int :return: data and gt :rtype: Tuple[Tensor, int] """ data_img = self._load_data_and_gt(index=index) data_tensor = self._apply_transformation(img=data_img) return data_tensor, index def _load_data_and_gt(self, index: int) -> Image: """ Loads the data and gt from the disk. :param index: index of the sample :type index: int :returns: The image at the given index :rtype: Image """ data_img = pil_loader(self.image_path_list[index]) assert data_img.height == self.image_dims.height and data_img.width == self.image_dims.width return data_img def _apply_transformation(self, img: Image) -> Tensor: """ Applies the transformations that have been defined in the setup ( If no transformations have been defined, the PIL image is returned instead. :param img: Original image to apply transformation on :type img: PIL image :returns: transformed image :rtype: Tensor """ if self.image_transform is not None: # perform transformations img, _ = self.image_transform(img, None) if not is_tensor(img): img = ToTensor()(img) return img
[docs] @staticmethod def expend_glob_path_list(glob_path_list: List[str]) -> List[Path]: """ Expends the glob path list to a list of paths. :param glob_path_list: list of glob paths :type glob_path_list: List[str] :returns: list of paths :rtype: List[Path] """ output_list = [] for glob_path in glob_path_list: for s in sorted(glob(glob_path)): path = Path(s) if path not in output_list: output_list.append(Path(s)) return output_list