Source code for datamodules.utils.single_transforms

import itertools
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from skimage.filters.thresholding import threshold_otsu
from torchvision.transforms import functional, ToTensor
from PIL import Image
from kornia.morphology import closing, opening

import src.datamodules.utils.functional

[docs]class OneHotToPixelLabelling(object): """ Transforms a one-hot encoded tensor to a pixel labelling tensor. :param tensor: The one-hot encoded tensor :type tensor: torch.Tensor :returns: The pixel labelling tensor :rtype: torch.Tensor """ def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor): return src.datamodules.utils.functional.argmax_onehot(tensor)
[docs]class RightAngleRotation: """ Rotates the input tensor by a random angle from the list of angles. To also get the class if this is used in a gt generation context, the class is accessible via .target_class. :param angle_list: The list of angles to choose from :type angle_list: List[int] """ def __init__(self, angle_list=None): if angle_list is None: angle_list = [0, 90, 180, 270] self.angles = angle_list self.target_class = None def _update_target_class(self) -> None: """ Updates the target class to a random class from the list of angles. """ self.target_class = torch.randint(low=0, high=len(self.angles), size=(1,), dtype=torch.long).item() def __call__(self, tensor): """ Rotates the input tensor by the angle of the target class. :param tensor: to turn :type tensor: torch.Tensor :return: the rotated tensor (class is accessible via .target_class) :rtype: torch.Tensor """ self._update_target_class() rotation_angle = self.angles[self.target_class] return functional.rotate(img=tensor, angle=rotation_angle)
[docs]class TilesBuilding: """ Applies the idea of an embedded jigsaw puzzle on an image. The image is divided into a grid of tiles and then the tiles are shuffled. The number of rows and columns of the grid, the number of fixed positions and the size of the center crop can be set. The number of fixed positions must be less than the number of tiles - 1 and less than the number of tiles. To also get the class if this is used in a gt generation context, the class is accessible via .target_class. :param rows: The number of rows of the grid :type rows: int :param cols: The number of columns of the grid :type cols: int :param fixed_positions: The number of fixed positions in the grid :type fixed_positions: int :param width_center_crop: The width of the center crop :type width_center_crop: int :param height_center_crop: The height of the center crop """ def __init__(self, rows: int, cols: int, fixed_positions: int = 0, width_center_crop: int = 840, height_center_crop: int = 1200): self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.permutations = np.array(sorted(list(itertools.permutations(range(rows * cols))))) self.classes = np.array(list(range(rows * cols))) self.fixed_positions = fixed_positions self.filtered_perms = self._get_perms_with_n_fixed_positions() self.target_class = None self.width_center_crop = width_center_crop self.height_center_crop = height_center_crop self.width_tile = self.width_center_crop // self.cols self.height_tile = self.height_center_crop // self.rows self._check_values() def _check_values(self): if self.rows * self.cols - 1 == self.fixed_positions: raise ValueError("The number of fixed positions must be less than the number of tiles - 1") if self.rows * self.cols <= self.fixed_positions: raise ValueError("The number of fixed positions must be less than the number of tiles") def _update_target_perm(self) -> None: self.target_class = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.filtered_perms), size=(1,)) def _get_perms_with_n_fixed_positions(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.array([p for p in self.permutations if np.sum(p == self.classes) == self.fixed_positions]) def __call__(self, tensor): self._update_target_perm() return self._get_tile_image(tensor, torch.tensor(self.filtered_perms[self.target_class])) def _get_tile_image(self, current_img: torch.Tensor, permutation: torch.Tensor): cropped_img = functional.center_crop(current_img, [self.height_center_crop, self.width_center_crop]) permutation = permutation.reshape((self.rows, self.cols)) new_img_tensor = current_img.clone() w_offset = ((current_img.shape[2] - cropped_img.shape[2]) // 2) h_offset = ((current_img.shape[1] - cropped_img.shape[1]) // 2) random_width_offset = torch.randint(-3, 3, (1,)) random_height_offset = torch.randint(-3, 3, (1,)) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): w_begin_crop = ((permutation[i, j] % self.cols) * self.width_tile) w_stop_crop = w_begin_crop + self.width_tile h_begin_crop = ((permutation[i, j] // self.cols) * self.height_tile) h_stop_crop = h_begin_crop + self.height_tile w_begin_o = w_offset + (j * self.width_tile) + random_width_offset w_stop_o = w_offset + ((j + 1) * self.width_tile) + random_width_offset h_begin_o = h_offset + (i * self.height_tile) + random_height_offset h_stop_o = h_offset + ((i + 1) * self.height_tile) + random_height_offset new_img_tensor[:, h_begin_o: h_stop_o, w_begin_o: w_stop_o] = cropped_img[:, h_begin_crop:h_stop_crop, w_begin_crop:w_stop_crop] return new_img_tensor
[docs]class MorphoBuilding: """ Applies the idea of morphological operators to build the GT base on the paper `Historical document image analysis using controlled data for pre-training <>`_. It takes an :class:`.PIL.Image` extracts the blue color channel and binarizes it with the Otsu method. On this image we cut away the border and use twice a closing followed by an opening operation onto the image to create two binary images. These images are then used as the red and green channel of a new image where the blue channel contains zeros. :param first_filter_size: The size of the first filter :type first_filter_size: Tuple[int, int] :param second_filter_size: The size of the second filter :type second_filter_size: Tuple[int, int] :param border_cut_horizontal: Pixel to remove on top and bottom :type border_cut_horizontal: int :param border_cut_vertical: Pixel to removeleft and right :type border_cut_vertical: int """ def __init__(self, first_filter_size: Tuple[int, int], second_filter_size: Tuple[int, int], border_cut_horizontal: int = None, border_cut_vertical: int = None): self.first_filter = torch.ones(first_filter_size) self.second_filter = torch.ones(second_filter_size) self.border_h = border_cut_horizontal self.border_w = border_cut_vertical def __call__(self, img: "PIL.Image") -> torch.Tensor: if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError(f"img should be PIL Image. Got {type(img)}") morpho_filter_1, morpho_filter_2 = self._get_filters(img=img) return torch.stack((morpho_filter_1, morpho_filter_2, torch.zeros(morpho_filter_1.shape)), dim=1)[0] def _get_filters(self, img: Image) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Creates the two filter for the read and green channel with the morphological operations. :param img: The image to build the two channels from :type img: PIL.Image :return: The two filter :rtype: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] """ b_channel = img.getchannel(2) # get blue channel but need to have B x C (1) x W x H b_channel = b_channel > threshold_otsu(np.asarray(b_channel)) bin_img = Image.fromarray(b_channel) # b_channel_tensor = ToTensor()(bin_img) if self.border_w: self._border_remove_w(b_channel_tensor) if self.border_h: self._border_remove_h(b_channel_tensor) b_channel_tensor = b_channel_tensor.expand((1, 1, *b_channel.shape)) return closing(opening(b_channel_tensor, self.first_filter), self.first_filter)[0], closing( opening(b_channel_tensor, self.second_filter), self.second_filter)[0] def _border_remove_w(self, img_tensor: torch.Tensor): """ Removes the border on the left and right in place. :param img_tensor: The image to remove the border :type img_tensor: torch.Tensor """ img_w = img_tensor.shape[2] img_tensor[:, :, :self.border_w] = 1. img_tensor[:, :, img_w - self.border_w:] = 1. def _border_remove_h(self, img_tensor: torch.Tensor): """ Removes the boarder at the top and bottom in place. :param img_tensor: The image to remove the border :type img_tensor: torch.Tensor """ img_h = img_tensor.shape[1] img_tensor[:, :self.border_h, :] = 1. img_tensor[:, img_h - self.border_h:, :] = 1.