Source code for datamodules.utils.wrapper_transforms

from typing import Callable

[docs]class OnlyImage(object): """ Wrapper function around a single parameter transform. It will be cast only on image :param transform: Transformation to apply to the codex image :type transform: Callable """ def __init__(self, transform: Callable): """ Constructor method for the OnlyImage class. """ self.transform = transform def __call__(self, image, target): return self.transform(image), target
[docs]class OnlyTarget(object): """ Wrapper function around a single parameter transform. It will be cast only on target :param transform: Transformation to apply to the ground truth image :type transform: Callable """ def __init__(self, transform: Callable): """ Constructor method for the OnlyTarget class. """ self.transform = transform def __call__(self, image, target): return image, self.transform(target)