Source code for execute

import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

import hydra
import torch
import wandb
from hydra.core.hydra_config import HydraConfig
from hydra.utils import to_absolute_path
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule, LightningDataModule, Callback, Trainer, plugins
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import LightningLoggerBase
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from torchmetrics import MetricCollection

from src.models.backbone_header_model import BackboneHeaderModel
from src.utils import utils

log = utils.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def execute(config: DictConfig) -> Optional[float]: """Contains training pipeline. Instantiates all PyTorch Lightning objects from config. :param config: Configuration composed by Hydra. :returns: Optional[float]: Metric score for hyperparameter optimization. """ # Init Lightning datamodule"Instantiating datamodule <{config.datamodule._target_}>") datamodule: LightningDataModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.datamodule) output_layer_backbone = None if 'output_layer' in config.model.backbone: output_layer_backbone = config.model.backbone.output_layer del config.model.backbone.output_layer"Take output layer <{output_layer_backbone}> from backbone") # Init Lightning model backend"Instantiating backbone model <{config.model.backbone._target_}>") backbone: LightningModule = _load_model_part(config=config, part_name='backbone') # Init Lightning model header"Instantiating header model <{config.model.header._target_}>") header: LightningModule = _load_model_part(config=config, part_name='header') # container model model: BackboneHeaderModel = BackboneHeaderModel(backbone=backbone, header=header, backbone_output_layer=output_layer_backbone) # Init optimizer"Instantiating optimizer <{config.optimizer._target_}>") optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.optimizer, params=model.parameters(recurse=True))"Instantiating loss<{config.loss._target_}>") loss: torch.nn.Module = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.loss) metric_train = None metric_val = None metric_test = None if 'metric' in config:"Instantiating metrics") metric_train = MetricCollection( {metric_name: hydra.utils.instantiate(metric) for metric_name, metric in config.metric.items()}) metric_val = MetricCollection( {metric_name: hydra.utils.instantiate(metric) for metric_name, metric in config.metric.items()}) metric_test = MetricCollection( {metric_name: hydra.utils.instantiate(metric) for metric_name, metric in config.metric.items()}) # Init the task as lightning module"Instantiating model <{config.task._target_}>") task: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.task, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, loss_fn=loss, metric_train=metric_train, metric_val=metric_val, metric_test=metric_test, ) # Init Lightning callbacks callbacks: List[Callback] = [] if "callbacks" in config: for _, cb_conf in config["callbacks"].items(): if "_target_" in cb_conf:"Instantiating callback <{cb_conf._target_}>") callbacks.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(cb_conf)) # Init Lightning loggers logger: List[LightningLoggerBase] = [] if "logger" in config: for _, lg_conf in config["logger"].items(): if "_target_" in lg_conf:"Instantiating logger <{lg_conf._target_}>") logger.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(lg_conf)) # Init Trainer Plugins plugin_list: List[plugins.Plugin] = [] if "plugins" in config: for _, pl_config in config.plugins.items(): if "_target_" in pl_config:"Instantiating plugin <{pl_config._target_}>") plugin_list.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(pl_config)) # Init Lightning trainer"Instantiating trainer <{config.trainer._target_}>") trainer: Trainer = hydra.utils.instantiate( config.trainer, plugins=plugin_list, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger, _convert_="partial" ) # Send some parameters from config to all lightning loggers"Logging hyperparameters!") utils.log_hyperparameters( config=config, model=model, trainer=trainer, ) if config.save_config: RUN_CONFIG_NAME = 'run_config.yaml'"Saving the current config into the output directory!") # cwd is already the output directory so we dont need a full path if trainer.is_global_zero: with open(RUN_CONFIG_NAME, mode='w') as fp: OmegaConf.set_struct(config, False) config['hydra'] = HydraConfig.instance().cfg['hydra'] OmegaConf.set_struct(config, True), f=fp) if config.get('logger') is not None and 'wandb' in config.get('logger'): if '_target_' in config.logger.wandb: run_config_folder_path = Path( / 'run_config' run_config_folder_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(RUN_CONFIG_NAME, str(run_config_folder_path / RUN_CONFIG_NAME)) # save git hash _save_git_hash(trainer) if config.train: # Train the model"Starting training!"), datamodule=datamodule) # Evaluate model on test set after training if config.test:"Starting testing!") results = trainer.test(model=task, datamodule=datamodule)'Test output: {results}') # Write current run dir into outputs/run_dir_paths.txt _write_current_run_dir(config=config) if config.predict:"Starting prediction!") trainer.predict(model=task, datamodule=datamodule) # Write current run dir into outputs/run_dir_paths.txt _write_current_run_dir(config=config) # Make sure everything closed properly"Finalizing!") utils.finish( config=config, task=task, model=model, datamodule=datamodule, trainer=trainer, callbacks=callbacks, logger=logger, ) if trainer.is_global_zero and "every_n_epochs" not in config.callbacks.model_checkpoint: _clean_up_checkpoints(trainer=trainer) _print_best_paths(conf=config, trainer=trainer) _print_run_command(trainer=trainer) # Return metric score for Optuna optimization optimized_metric = config.get("optimized_metric") if optimized_metric: return trainer.callback_metrics[optimized_metric]
def _save_git_hash(trainer): """ Saves the current git hash into the output directory. :param trainer: Lightning trainer object """"Saving the current git hash into the output directory!") if trainer.is_global_zero: import subprocess from hydra.utils import get_original_cwd try: git_hash = subprocess.check_output( ['git', '--git-dir', get_original_cwd() + '/.git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode( 'ascii').strip() with open('git_hash.txt', mode='w') as fp: fp.write(git_hash) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.error(e.returncode, e.output) def _load_model_part(config: DictConfig, part_name: str): """ Checks if a given model part (backbone or header) has a path to a pretrained model and loads this model. If there is no pretrained model the model will be initialised randomly. :param config: The config of the model. 'path_to_weights' in your model config points to the file with the weights to load them. 'strict' if you want to load it in a strict fashion. Default is True :returns: LightningModule: The loaded network """ freeze = False strict = True # TODO: make it remove a prefix from the loaded weights if 'strict' in config.model.get(part_name):"The model part {part_name} will be loaded with strict={config.model.get(part_name).strict}") strict = config.model.get(part_name).strict del config.model.get(part_name).strict if 'freeze' in config.model.get(part_name):"The model part {part_name} is frozen during all stages!") freeze = True del config.model.get(part_name).freeze if "path_to_weights" in config.model.get(part_name):"Loading {part_name} weights from <{config.model.get(part_name).path_to_weights}>") path_to_weights = config.model.get(part_name).path_to_weights del config.model.get(part_name).path_to_weights weights = torch.load(path_to_weights, map_location='cpu') # prefix if "prefix" in config.model.get(part_name): prefix = config.model.get(part_name).prefix del config.model.get(part_name).prefix weights = {prefix + k: v for k, v in weights.items()} if "layers_to_load" in config.model.get(part_name): layers_to_load = tuple(config.model.get(part_name).layers_to_load) del config.model.get(part_name).layers_to_load weights = {k: v for k, v in weights.items() if k.startswith(layers_to_load)} strict = False part: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model.get(part_name)) missing_keys, unexpected_keys = part.load_state_dict(weights, strict=strict) if missing_keys: log.warning(f"When loading the model part {part_name} these keys where missed: \n {missing_keys}") if unexpected_keys: log.warning(f"When loading the model part {part_name} these keys where to much: \n {unexpected_keys}") else: if config.test and not config.train: log.warning(f"You are just testing without a trained {part_name} model! " "Use 'path_to_weights' in your model to load a trained model") if config.predict and not config.train: log.warning(f"You are just predicting without a trained {part_name} model! " "Use 'path_to_weights' in your model to load a trained model") part: LightningModule = hydra.utils.instantiate(config.model.get(part_name)) if freeze: for param in part.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False part.eval() return part def _clean_up_checkpoints(trainer: Trainer): """ Clean up checkpoints that are not the best checkpoint. :param trainer: the current pl trainer """ best_model_path = Path(trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path) if not best_model_path.is_file(): return best_epoch_path = best_model_path.parents[0] checkpoint_path = best_model_path.parents[1] for path in checkpoint_path.iterdir(): if path.is_dir() and path != best_epoch_path: shutil.rmtree(path) def _print_best_paths(conf: DictConfig, trainer: Trainer): """ Print out the best checkpoint paths for the task, the backbone, and the header. :param conf: the hydra config :param trainer: the current pl trainer """ if not conf.train or 'model_checkpoint' not in conf.callbacks: return def _create_print_path(folder_path: Path, config_file_name: str): return folder_path / (Path(config_file_name).name + '.pth') # Print path to best checkpoint base_path = Path(trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path).parent f"Best task checkpoint path:" f"\n{trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path}") if '_target_' in conf.callbacks.get('model_checkpoint'): f"Best backbone checkpoint path:" f"\n{_create_print_path(base_path, conf.callbacks.model_checkpoint.backbone_filename)}") f"Best header checkpoint path:" f"\n{_create_print_path(base_path, conf.callbacks.model_checkpoint.header_filename)}") def _print_run_command(trainer: Trainer): """ Print out a run command based on the saved run config. :param trainer: the current pl trainer """ run_path = trainer.default_root_dir run_config_name = 'run_config.yaml''Command to rerun using run_config.yaml:\n' f'python -cd="{run_path}" -cn="{run_config_name}"') param_str_list = [f'"{p}"' for p in sys.argv[1:]]'Command to rerun using same command:\n' f'python {" ".join(param_str_list)}') @rank_zero_only def _write_current_run_dir(config: DictConfig): """ Write the current run dir into a log file in the run root dir. :param config: the hydra config """ if config.get('development_mode'): return run_dir_log_filename = 'run_dir_log.txt' run_dir_log_file = Path(to_absolute_path(config['run_root_dir'])) / config['name'] / run_dir_log_filename run_dir_log_file = run_dir_log_file.resolve()'Writing work dir into run dir log file ({run_dir_log_file})') with'a') as f: f.write(f'{Path(os.getcwd())}\n')