Source code for tasks.utils.task_utils

from typing import Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Dict, Union

import pytorch_lightning

from src.utils import utils

log = utils.get_logger(__name__)

# inspired by
[docs]def get_callable_name(fn_or_class: Union[Callable, Sequence, object]) -> str: """ Get the name of a callable or class. :param fn_or_class: Callable, class or sequence we want the name of :type fn_or_class: Union[Callable, Sequence, object] :return: the name of the callable or class :rtype: str """ return getattr(fn_or_class, "__name__", fn_or_class.__class__.__name__).lower()
[docs]def get_callable_dict(fn: Union[Callable, Mapping, Sequence]) -> Union[Dict, Mapping]: """ Creates a dictionary with the name of the callable as key and the callable as value. :param fn: Callable, sequence or mapping we want to convert to a dictionary :type fn: Union[Callable, Mapping, Sequence] :return: A dictionary with the name of the callable as key and the callable as value :rtype: Union[Dict, Mapping] """ if isinstance(fn, Mapping): return fn elif isinstance(fn, Sequence): return {get_callable_name(f): f for f in fn} elif callable(fn): return {get_callable_name(fn): fn}