Source code for utils.utils

import logging
import random
import sys
import warnings
from typing import List, Sequence

import hydra
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import rich
import wandb
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything
from pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb import WandbLogger
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from rich.syntax import Syntax
from rich.tree import Tree

REQUIRED_CONFIGS = ['datamodule', 'task', 'model.backbone', 'model.header', 'loss', 'optimizer', 'trainer', 'train',

[docs]def get_logger(name=__name__, level=logging.INFO) -> logging.Logger: """ Gets the Python logger of the system. :param name: name of the logger you want to get defaults to __name__ :type name: str :param level: logging level defaults to logging.INFO :return: Python logger :rtype: logging.Logger """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) # this ensures all logging levels get marked with the rank zero decorator # otherwise logs would get multiplied for each GPU process in multi-GPU setup for level in ("debug", "info", "warning", "error", "exception", "fatal", "critical"): setattr(logger, level, rank_zero_only(getattr(logger, level))) return logger
log = get_logger()
[docs]@rank_zero_only def check_config(config: DictConfig) -> None: """A couple of optional utilities, controlled by main config file. - check for required configs in the main config - disabling warnings - easier access to debug mode - forcing debug friendly configuration - forcing multi-gpu friendly configuration - setting seed for random number generators - setting up default csv logger :param config: the main hydra config :type config: DictConfig """ # check if required configs are in the main config file for cf in REQUIRED_CONFIGS: _check_if_in_config(config=config, name=cf) # enable adding new keys to config OmegaConf.set_struct(config, False) # disable python warnings if <config.disable_warnings=True> if config.get("disable_warnings"):"Disabling python warnings! <config.disable_warnings=True>") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # set <config.trainer.fast_dev_run=True> if <config.debug=True> if config.get("debug"):"Running in debug mode! <config.debug=True>") config.trainer.fast_dev_run = True # force debugger friendly configuration if <config.trainer.fast_dev_run=True> if config.trainer.get("fast_dev_run"):"Forcing debugger friendly configuration! <config.trainer.fast_dev_run=True>") # Debuggers don't like GPUs or multiprocessing if config.trainer.get("gpus"): config.trainer.gpus = 0 if config.datamodule.get("num_workers"): config.datamodule.num_workers = 0 if config.trainer.get("accelerator") == 'cpu' and config.trainer.precision == 16: log.warning('You are using ddp_cpu without precision=16. This can lead to a crash! Use 64 or 32!') if config.get('experiment_mode') and not config.get('name'):"Experiment mode without specifying a name!") sys.exit(1) # Set seed for random number generators in pytorch, numpy and python.random if "seed" in config: seed_everything(config.seed, workers=True) else: seed = random.randint(np.iinfo(np.uint32).min, np.iinfo(np.uint32).max) config['seed'] = seed"No seed specified! Seed set to {seed}") if 'freeze' in config.model.backbone and 'freeze' in config.model.header and config.train: if config.model.backbone.freeze and config.model.header.freeze: log.error("Cannot train with no trainable parameters! Both header and backbone are frozen!") if 'csv' not in config.logger: config.logger['csv'] = hydra.compose('logger/csv')['logger']['csv'] # disable adding new keys to config OmegaConf.set_struct(config, True)
def _check_if_in_config(config: DictConfig, name: str) -> None: """ Check if a key is in the config file. :param config: Hydra config :type config: DictConfig :param name: name of the key :type name: str :raises ValueError: if the key is not in the config file """ name_parts = name.split('.') for part in name_parts: if part in config: config = config.get(part) else: raise ValueError(f'You need to define a value for ({name}) else the system will not start!')
[docs]@rank_zero_only def log_hyperparameters( config: DictConfig, model: pl.LightningModule, trainer: pl.Trainer, ) -> None: """ This method controls which parameters from Hydra config are saved by Lightning loggers. Additionally, saves: - sizes of train, val, test dataset - number of trainable model parameters :param config: Hydra config :type config: DictConfig :param model: Lightning model :type model: pl.LightningModule :param trainer: Lightning trainer :type trainer: pl.Trainer """ hparams = {"trainer": config["trainer"], "task": config["task"], "model": config["model"], "datamodule": config["datamodule"], 'loss': config['loss'], 'optimizer': config['optimizer'], "seed": config['seed'], 'callbacks': config['callbacks']} # choose which parts of hydra config will be saved to loggers if "optimizer" in config: hparams["optimizer"] = config["optimizer"] if "callbacks" in config: hparams["callbacks"] = config["callbacks"] # save number of model parameters hparams["model/params_total"] = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) hparams["model/params_trainable"] = sum( p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ) hparams["model/params_not_trainable"] = sum( p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if not p.requires_grad ) # send hparams to all loggers trainer.logger.log_hyperparams(hparams) # disable logging any more hyperparameters for all loggers # (this is just a trick to prevent trainer from logging hparams of model, since we already did that above) trainer.logger.log_hyperparams = empty
[docs]def empty(*args, **kwargs): """ This function does nothing. It is used to disable logging of hyperparameters by Lightning loggers. :param args: :param kwargs: """ pass
[docs]def finish( config: DictConfig, task: pl.LightningModule, model: pl.LightningModule, datamodule: pl.LightningDataModule, trainer: pl.Trainer, callbacks: List[pl.Callback], logger: List[pl.loggers.LightningLoggerBase], ) -> None: """ Makes sure everything closed properly. :param config: Hydra config :type config: DictConfig :param task: Lightning task :type task: pl.LightningModule :param model: Lightning model :type model: pl.LightningModule :param datamodule: Lightning datamodule :type datamodule: pl.LightningDataModule :param trainer: Lightning trainer :type trainer: pl.Trainer :param callbacks: Lightning callbacks :type callbacks: List[pl.Callback] :param logger: Lightning logger :type logger: List[pl.loggers.LightningLoggerBase] """ # without this sweeps with wandb logger might crash! for lg in logger: if isinstance(lg, WandbLogger): wandb.finish()